This morning the green fists of the peonies are getting ready
to break my heart
as the sun rises,
as the sun strokes them with his old, buttery fingers
-Peonies, Mary Oliver

28 August 2008

Starlit runs

I've been running every day this week. It started off well Saturday night, running laps around the track (sometimes it's nice to know exactly how far you've gone in what time). Unfortunately, I've been more sore than I usually would be because I spent Sunday on a jetski going 60 miles/hour, meaning I didn't really do much sitting on the jetski as I bounced over the waves, but instead was crouching, using thigh muscles that I forgot I had.

Though I am still sore, I've loved the time I've spent exercising. Not only do I feel good (yay endorphins), but I get to spend time with nature and with Don (it was his idea to start exercising regularly together). The few times we've run at nighttime, we've also layed and looked up at the stars. Those little, tiny pinpoints of light are perhaps the things that make me feel the smallest I ever feel. They give me a sense of wonderment, awe, insignificance...and yet, there is a feeling of individual worth and potential there, too - I think from the understanding that there is so much beauty in the world that fits together and works with a purpose, that I must fit in with a purpose, as well.

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